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Active Message Threads for December 2016

2016-12-27 21:22:45
Hi everyone, I retrieved WA seismograph in three ways: From the main trace directly, from the velocity and displacement seismographs indirectly. As you know, WA is a displacement seismograph. Could you please help me which one is the accurate WA seismograph? Here are some example commands and attached are the main data file and the response file. Regards, Reza =============================================== r data rmean;rtrend;taper; transfer from evalresp fname RESP.IR.GHG..SHE to vel freq… [more]
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2016-12-02 22:16:50 - 2016-12-03 14:47:11
Hello, Maybe this was explained before but I cannot find an answer. After converting a 1200 sec SAC file, I am getting the ASCII file with 1191 data points. Why don't I have all the 1200 points? Here are some commands (the header values take 4 lines in my example) > cat CIFLS__L1Z__.sac.txt | head 1200 2016,336 07:55:00.000 1.0 1050,1240,1390,1115,840,1065,1290,1320,1085,850,1130, 1410,1530,1625,1720,1480,1240,1445,1650,1210,1020, 830,985,1140,1490,1240,990,1125,1260,1370,1205, 1040,1250,1… [more]
Geo .
2016-12-02 00:29:42 - 2016-12-03 00:44:55
Hi, I've noticed that when I do a SORT (e.g. SORT GCARC), headers STLA and STLO vanishes from the memory. I am using SAC 101.6 on openSUSE (Bottle). I was able to reproduce the same error on Mac OS X (Mountain Lion). I wonder if others can reproduce this issue and if it is a bug? Thanks ! Januka Januka Attanayake Postdoctoral Research Associate Institut für Geophysik Westfälische Wilhelms - Universität Münster CorrensstraBe 24 48149 Münster Germany University email: jattanayake@uni-muenste… [more]
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