Thread: postdoctoral position on global scale seismic interferometry - ISTerre, Grenoble (FR)

Started: 2022-01-04 11:55:21
Last activity: 2022-01-04 11:55:21
Institution : [ | ISTerre ] - Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France
Open Until : 2022-02-15

Dear All,

Please find below the description of an open postdoc position on global scale seismic interferometry in [ | our Group at ISTerre, ] [ | Grenoble, France ]

Keywords : Global seismology, seismic interferometry, body-waves, deep Earth


How can reverberations help to question the existence of a stratified layer at the top of the outer core?
Exploration of the Correlation-wavefield observed after large earthquakes.

Recent studies have explored the possibility to make use of correlation-based (a.k.a. interferometric) seismology to explore the Deep Earth structure by direct measurement of body wave propagation. It was shown that high-order free oscillations excited by large earthquakes (also interpretable as long-term reverberated coda waves; Maeda et al., 2006) can be used to constrain the fine details of the Earth 1D structure (e.g. Boué et al., 2014; Pham et al., 2018). In that direction, Tkalčić and Pham (2018) extracted a clear signature of S-wave propagation within the inner core (namely J phase), which is extremely difficult to observe with conventional methods. The underlying idea is rather simple: the coherency between complicated seismic phases is easier to interpret than the phases themselves. But the implementation of such a workflow toward the integration of new seismological constrained for deep Earth structures required a clear understanding of the different possible interferences (e.g., Poli et al. 2017; Pham et al., 2018).

We here propose to pursue these methodological developments and explore various targets , starting with the outermost outer core and the question of its possible stratification (e.g. Kaneshima and Matsuzawa 2015). We consider this research axis as a starting point and a baseline for a fruitful collaboration, but will encourage the development of original and independent research.

The work would include simulation (raytracing, waveform) and data exploration and mining . Some background expertise on seismic interferometry would be welcome! Many computational tools for data exploration and interferometry are available in our group. We encourage tool development and sharing with the community. The postdoctoral researcher will also benefit from very efficient computational resources and data management at the University level.

The successful candidate will work in the framework of a French research grant (ANR) aiming at exploring interferometric methods for deep Earth imaging. She/he will collaborate with a small team around the PI, within a larger and very dynamic seismological team. The postdoctoral researcher will be encouraged to strengthen the interaction between seismology and geodynamo research groups at ISTerre. Teaching opportunity if wanted.
The successful candidate will receive a salary commensurate to research experience (including standard French Health Insurance), support for computing, and travel to conferences. The position is initially one year but will be reappointed to longer (at least one additional year) based upon satisfactory work.

Application : email with CV and a cover letter.

Contact information: Pierre Boué
[ pierre.boue<at> | pierre.boue<at> ]
ISTerre, UGA, tel: +33 04 76 63 52 49

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